Monday, August 20, 2007

Recalling Rabits

The following post is written by Dan Hetrick. While I may not agree with all parts of his analogy, I trust that it will invoke humble, respectful and open conversation.

When I was a child, my family lived on a partially wooded property. Every evening at dusk, rabbits would come out of the woods and nibble on the clover growing in the backyard. Now, I always wanted to get close to these cute, cuddly little bunnies. But whenever I would appear in the backyard, the rabbits all responded the same way: they’d freeze, observe me with intense suspicion and, the moment I approached, they’d bolt for the woods. No matter how softly moved, no matter how deliberate my motions, I could never get closer than twenty yards before off they’d go. It was frustrating. I did not intend to hurt them. But, of course, they did not know that. They saw me as a threat. Therefore, they fled. Judging by their numbers, their instinct allowed most to live long lives. On the other hand, they never experienced the pleasure of having their ears scratched.


  1. lol.....dan, please answer these questions soon. we can't sit here all day munching on clover....

  2. sure beats clover....and who can resist all that protein?



  5. I just did it again!
