Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home School: Day 1

Well, it wasn't picture perfect, believe me.

The morning began rough. Everyone woke up late and I barely had enough faith to begin what will be my 10th year of teaching.

It's hard to say goodbye to the summer. Right on the heels of two weeks at the beach and a night at an indoor water park, it's hard to get started with schedules and studies, book reports and science labs. Before even starting, I feel behind.

Here is our day in pictures. I didn't include a shot of Jayda squeezing herself in an empty school bin. And I didn't even take a picture of what the living room floor looked like when I was doing school with the big kids. Let's just say, David and Jayda enjoyed playing with every toy.

Every. Toy.

But here's a snippet of our reality.

Right before lunch we all gathered to learn about people that are living in what is called "Garbage City" in Cairo, Egypt. David was so sweet as he prayed, "Lord Jesus - please keep the people living in the trash safe. Especially the Mommies and the Daddies and the babies."

After lunch, while I did some school work with David, Abbie begged to be Jayda's teacher and happily took her into the kitchen to practice counting and identifying her ABC's.

David was so eager to start. I guess he feels like a big boy now!

Abbie worked on her math using Teaching Textbooks, and she did so in cowboy boots!

Stephen chose to tune his guitar on his break...

The rain is still beating down, the laundry baskets are full of dirty clothes, and I'm not sure what we are having for dinner. Day one is almost over but there is still so much to do.

It's helpful to remember that "Motherhood is a hallowed place because children aren't commonplace. Co-laboring over the sculpting of souls is a sacred vocation, a humbling privilege." (Ann Voskamp)

1 comment:

  1. i miss your writing, T. Especially b/c now there are parts I have greater understanding of...like this one. I know I only have one kid and we have not officially by the books began homeschooling, but I feel this day you are describing.

    will you even get this comment? :o)
