Monday, January 12, 2009

and then there was one....

dscf6002My last entry told the tale of the vicious stomach virus monster.  In that short time, the monster attacked new victims.

Fourth victim:  Allyson, a faithful friend and amazing help to our family.  She came to my home on Friday night to help me with the sick kids since Matt had a late night with Cross Current, assured that she would not get sick.  She lasted just 4 hours before the monster attacked, sending her home in a rush, yak bag in hand.

Fifth victim: Me - the Mom and former caretaker of other victims.  

Sixth victim: Matt.  After heroically caring for his sick wife and 4 kids, while trying to prepare for the sunday sermon, and then preaching on Sunday, he was finally able to slow down last night.  But by 1:00am this morning, the vicious virus monster began its attack on my husband.

So in the middle of the night, when the house is actually dead silent, I snuck downstairs to make him a sick bed on the sofa.  Abbie's pink trashcan is now his comrade.

Sole Survivor:  Stephen Aleksandr Smith, 10 year old Mac-junkie, who has been pumping germ-x on his hands about 20 times a day since last week.


  1. oh man.
    His sermon was fantastic Sunday.

    Praying for all of you... still.

  2. Praying for you Stephen! Spray Lysol all over the house! DISINFECT! DISINFECT!
