Tuesday, October 19, 2010

a new beginning

ha. I know, it's been over four months since I've blogged a single word.

It's not that I haven't had some ingenious ideas or semi-brilliant thoughts to pass along to my two readers. It's just that with everything else to get done, sitting at my iMac to blog hasn't made the cut.

Sometimes it takes a new look to get your blogging juices going again. Sometimes it takes reading blogs from your other favorite sites that give you ideas. Sometimes it's a pesky 12 year old that wants a blog of his own. ;-)

Today starts what I will dramatically call...."Upward and Outward: A New Beginning." I can almost hear the background music but our 2 1/2 year old is screaming in her crib!

Anyway, have any of you read the book "Tuesdays with Morrie"? I have and I liked it, but that's not the point. On this little blog, Tuesdays will be called, "Tuesdays with Stephen". This will be my 12 year old's opportunity to take over and blog till his fingers can't take anymore.

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