Tuesday, October 19, 2010

future mommy?

Yay! We finally got to meet Grace, the newest addition to the most proud parents, Brian and Amy Smith. She is a beautiful little 3 month old; very smiley and happy, not to mention a pretty sound sleeper!

Being in the presence of a baby is about the only thing that seems to calm down our 2 1/2 year old. Our typically crazy-wild, bursting forth with energy little girl, actually slows down and shows a surprising gentleness when a baby enters the scene. I'm always nervous as she approaches a baby, but again and again, I see that she is capable of gentleness.

Since Amy, Brian and Grace visited us, our little girl has taken a fresh interest in her baby doll.
Check out her mad skills in swaddling and holding a baby:

Step One: Lay baby gently on blanket

Step Two: Pull bottom and then sides together to cover baby

Step Three: Roll baby up like a burrito ??

Step Four: Wa-La! Now that's one happy baby.

If she would've stopped there, it would have been nearly perfect. Step Two was a little shaky as she rolled the baby onto her stomach to wrap her...but bringing it all together is a tough step.

What really concerned me was how she held the baby after she posed for this picture. Notice the feet. This can't be good.

Mom: "Azaria, hold the baby so I can see her."

This is what I got:


  1. LOL! oh man; that is hilarious.

  2. Wow! I am so glad she did NOT pick Gracie up!! LOL...I just laughed so hard!!! Also, you should know that in order to swaddle Gracie very tightly, so she can't escape, I have had to roll her nearly onto her belly to make it tight. She actually smiles about it!! But, as much as I love her looking like a little burrito, today was a momentous day- she slept 11 hours with NOOOOO swaddddlllleeee:o) yay!!

    On another note...we had fun with you too, and I love the next set of clothes!! So cute!!!
